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Alltagsorientierung im Dreischritt

Der Szenario-Ansatz in der Curriculumentwicklung

Marlene Aufgebauer, Katrin Hofmann

Pages 107 - 129



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When designing a curriculum, the question arises of how much guidance and orientation it can provide for the given context. In this regard, the scenario approach offers a valuable starting point as its focus on action and learner-orientation allows for the consideration of the needs of all participants. Therefore, this paper outlines the application of the scenario approach in curriculum development for German as a second foreign language after English in secondary schools in Egypt. Following a brief overview of the context in which the curriculum emerged, the paper provides a theoretical framework for understanding the scenario approach in curriculum development and foreign language instruction. Explanations of the procedures, illustrated by selected practical examples from the curriculum, form the main focus of the paper and provide valuable insights into developing language curricula based on scenarios.

Keywords: scenario-approach, curriculum development, German as a Foreign Language


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