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Tagebuch und Ethos

Literarische und intellektuelle Positionierungen in Ernst Jüngers Texten zur Okkupation (1940-1945)

Julie Crombois

Seiten 23 - 43

DOI https://doi.org/10.33675/GM/2016/1/3


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Abstract: The present article discusses Ernst Jünger’s self-positioning within the literary field, as evidenced in the diaries which he kept during the German occupation of France (specifically in the sections ‚Gärten und Straßen‘, ‚Das Erste Pariser Tagebuch‘ and ‚Das Zweite Pariser Tagebuch‘ in the Strahlungen volume). As Jünger’s importance in German literature has often been measured by his reponse to this specific historical context, the question arises whether the author’s staging of his persona in these texts has been influenced by his social position as a German officer. After all, diary writing offers the author an opportunity for a complete “réecriture de soi” or “réinvention de soi”, inevitably entailing a manipulation of his persona and manifold opportunities for self-staging. After outlining the broad characteristics of the diary as genre, detailed text analyses help clarify the concepts of Posture and ethos and the modalities of their adaptation in Jünger’s work.


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