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Die intratextuelle Übersetzung in der mehrsprachigen Poesie von Marica Bodrožić und Zwetelina Damjanova

Myriam-Naomi Walburg

Seiten 67 - 94

DOI https://doi.org/10.33675/GM/2020/46/9


This publication is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivatives 4.0.

The present article analyses intratextual strategies of auto-translation in contemporary poems by Zwetelina Damjanova and Marica Bodrožić. Both authors can be located at the opposite ends of the spectrum of literary multilingualism: While Damjanova is explicitly using three languages – German, Bulgarian and Spanish – to write her volume of poetry ‚A3 und tú‘, Bodrožić’s work ‚Ein Kolibri kam unverwandelt‘ seems at first sight almost monolingual. Nevertheless, both volumes revolve around questions like: What is a poem? What is a translation? Can poetry be transferred from one language to another, and if so, how? By raising such questions in a highly self-reflexive manner those texts can be regarded as Glotta-Literature, a meta-literature that is dealing with translingualism in multiple ways. The study analyses how those self-reflexive stra-tegies describe the relation between translingual poetry and a multitude of different translation processes.

Keywords: Translingual poetry, auto-translation, Glotta-Literatur


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