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„Gedichte sind immer für den Vortrag gemacht und wollen gelesen und gehört werden“

Sprechgestaltung und Vertonung lyrischer Texte am Beispiel von Jan Wagners Gedicht „quittenpastete“

Sabine Pfäfflin

Pages 95 - 116



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The article explains how spoken performance (Sprechgestaltung) and musical setting (Vertonung) can be used as methods of creatively interpreting poetry with students at school and at university. First, a model for the collaborative development of spoken performances and musical settings of poetry is presented. Next, it is shown how a spoken performance and musical setting of the poem “quittenpastete” by the contemporary poet Jan Wagner can be developed collabora-tively by the students after the poem has been discussed in class.

Keywords: spoken performance of poetry, musical setting of poetry, analysis of poetry, didactics of poetry, Jan Wagner, contemporary poetry


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